Terms and Conditions

General Conditions for contracting Tourist Services

ARGENTINA PURA S.L. – CIF: B67787275 – C.I.AN. 297593-3 explicitly states:

Anyone contracting any of the services of which technical organization was carried out by Argentina Pura S.L totally accepts these general terms and conditions, which will be considered automatically incorporated to the contract with no need of a written transcription of them on the contract.

Jurisdictional Regulation

The contract relationship between the organizing Agency and the client will be ruled by Law 301/2002 “DECRETO 301/2002, DE 17 DE DICIEMBRE, DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES. 1 (B.OJ.A. núm. 150, de 21 de Diciembre de 2002)”


Fees shall be expressed in Euro(EUR) or United States Dollars (U$). They include the ítems detailed as “included” at the Reservation Form and on the Client’s Itinerary apart from the Value Added Tax (VAT) unless otherwise stated. It does not include visas, airport taxes or other , vaccination certificates, nor any other services not specified as “included”.

In case payment is in U$D the exchange rate will be the exchange rate valid at the date of payment determined by the European Central Bank

The fees shall be valid during the time detailed in each case. Once this time is over, they will not be valid. They are subject to variation without any prior notice , when the variation of the costs of the services justify such variation. Moreover, any variation of the fees could cause a revision of the final quoting of a Service. These variations shall be notified to the client – who will have the option of accepting the new conditions of the contract or ask for a cancellation of his travel contract –in case the increase is over 15% of the total price of the contract – or he can accept the contract as modified.

No modification of the fees shall be possible as from 30 days prior to the date of the Service, when a requirement of services has already been confirmed.


  • You can make reservations through any of the following :
  • Head Office: https://argentinapura.com
  • Teléphone: +34 622 917 173
  • Email: reservas@argentinapura.com
  • Schedule of attention: 09:00am to 05:00pm
  • ●  Días: Lunes a ViernesComienzo del ContratoEl contrato vinculante entre ARGENTINA PURA S.L. y el Cliente comienza a partir de la fecha en que ARGENTINA PURA S.L. recibe efectivamente el Formulario de Reserva con los datos personales completos del cliente por correo o teléfono y el Depósito Inicial del Servicio a contratar. Su importe no podrá ser inferior al 50% del valor total de la misma, salvo que -por causas especiales- se requiera otra suma adicional.A partir del momento en que el contrato vinculante entre ARGENTINA PURA S.L. es válido, el cliente acepta en su totalidad los términos y condiciones generales aquí descritos. El contrato es vinculante entre ARGENTINA PURA S.L. y todos los clientes que aparecen en el Formulario de Reserva. La persona que firma el Formulario de Reserva garantiza que posee plena autoridad para representar a cualquier otra persona cuyo nombre aparezca en el Formulario de Reserva y confirma que todas esas personas lo reconocen y aceptan dichas condiciones. De esta forma la Confirmación del Servicio quedará completa.Transporte Aéreo o Terrestre

    Even though the contracting of air or land transport where carried out through the Agency ARGENTINA PURA S.L., the use of them by the clients implies a direct relationship between the clients and such transport companies . The Agency ARGENTINA PURA S.L. will thus not be responsible for any inconvenience arising from the services provided by them.

    As regards the air tickets – once the Initial Deposit is done – the reservations are carried out but the tickets will not be issued. Should the client want to have his tickets issued, he shall pay for their total amount – thus also avoiding any possible increase of the ticket fees.

Payment Conditions

As mentioned on the previous ítem, in order for ARGENTINA PURA S.L. to confirm the Reservation of a service , a deposit of no less than 50% of its total amount shall be done. The balance shall be paid to ARGENTINA PURA S.L. at least 15 days prior to the date in which the Service shall be provided.

In case such balance was not paid within such date, ARGENTINA PURA S.L. will consider the reservation as canceled by the client. In the case of Reservations made with less than 15 days anticipation of the date of departure, the full amount will be required with no delay.


Even though our commercial policies are aimed at satisfying each of our clients, carrying out services as arranged on the binding contract, there could exist special circumstances compelling us to alter the original Reservation. By binding himself to this contract the client accepts that it could be necessary to modify the content of the itinerary due to local situations. ARGENTINA PURA S.L. will have the right to partially or totally modify the itinerary of the services contracted including fees, flights, lodging or any other services and to substitute them for alternative services of similar value with no compensation whatsoever, either in money or any other way.

If ARGENTINA PURA S.L. judges it is necessary to make a substantial modification they shall inform the client as soon as possible about those changes. The client can choose a) to accept such changes, b)to change those services by other available services, provided they do not modify costs or they pay for the differences , c) to cancel the contracted services.

Cancellations by ARGENTINA PURA S.L.

ARGENTINA PURA S.L. has the right to partially or totally cancel the original Reservation due to causes beyond the company such as: No show of passengers, any event which might be against the personal /group safety and act against the normal development of the activity or activities or due to an act of God. In any such case the client will not have a reimbursement of the paid fees.

Changes by Clients

Changes or modifications to the original Reservation cannot be guaranteed for they are subject to availability . In case any passenger wanted to change an original Reservation, the passenger who signed the Reservation Form will state so by mail or fax. Any cost arising from such changes shall be paid by the Client.

Cancellations by Clients

Clients can cancel the Reservation at any moment, provided that such cancellation is communicated to ARGENTINA PURA S.L. in writing – by email or phone. As from the date the notice of cancellation is received, the following charges shall be applied:

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In case ARGENTINA PURA S.L. had made changes to the original Reservation of a contracted Service and the client chose to cancel it, ARGENTINA PURA S.L. shall pay the full amount – provided the changes were not caused by the Act of God.

In such cases the Client shall not receive reimbursement of the amount paid.

ARGENTINA PURA S.L. is not responsible for any charge whatsoever in case of a change –beyond his control- of time or day of departure of a tour, flight or any other means of transport.

Act of God herein means : “A violent and unexpected event, beyond human will and for this reason unpredictable and of inevitable consequences”.

Examples: wars, war threats, riots, civil or industrial dispute, terrorist activities, natural or nuclear disasters , fire or adverse climatic conditions. Technical problems on problems of maintenance of means of transport, changes deriving from canceling or reprogramming of flights of an airline, alteration of the airline or of the type of airship or any other similar events beyond the control of ARGENTINA PURA S.L.

As regards partial cancellations they will be analyzed in each case, and in case they brought about additional charges they will be paid by the client.

Documents, visas and sanitary requirements.

The Clients who have bought any of our Tourist Services and appear on the binding contract are responsible for the correctness of their documents for entering and for free circulating within the country to be visited. Examples of these documents: identification documents , passports, visas, sanitary documents, etc.

In case that, due to lack or incorrection of the necessary documents for the trip, a client was delayed or should cancel or abandon the trip partially or totally , ARGENTINA PURA S.L. will not be held responsible, in which case there will be no reimbursement.

Underage -less than 18- shall submit a document signed by parents authorizing them to travel.

Diseases and Disabilities

Once the binding contract between ARGENTINA PURA S.L. and the client is formalized the Client must inform ARGENTINA PURA S.L. if he has any disease or disability or he is on a treatment for any special condition either physical or medical. The Client will be responsible for all the necessary arrangements for the provision of his medicines or any other treatments that might be necessary during the trip or any of the services included. If by any reason the Client did not inform us of any of these facts, he would not be complying with the Reservation conditions, which will result in his exclusion from the tour, and the loss of any amount paid.
